- COVID-19 -

Close NYC Subways

April 2020

We first called for NYC to close its subways weeks ago, but nothing has happened. I can't imagine a worse place in the world to be during an outbreak than a subway - a closed tube of strangers all touching the same handrails and breathing the same air!

Last week MTA reduced train service by 25%, but only because >50 MTA employees tested positive for COVID-19. Now at least 5 MTA employees are dead from from the virus. If you still don't think NYC should close the subways, READ THIS...
SARS killed more than 800 globally, NYC alone 3,000 deaths from COVID-19. Similar virus - but China was serious in prevention. Importantly, we propose 10% train service for essentials. Read below for details...

Traditional public health measures were widely used to eradicate SARS. Can COVID-19 be controlled by these same measures? It is crucial to remember what measures were taken, and which lessons could be applicable to COVID-19.

If you feel the same - SHARE THIS...

Cardiac Peak is asking for the closure of NYC Subways

NYC Subway is NOT social distancing.
NYC Subway is spreading the COVID-19.
The more it spreads in NYC, the more people will die all over the US.
Close the Subways before more will die!
READ BELOW: Keep 10% sterile trains open to essentials (healthcare / police / fire)

Subways are tubes of Virus

Almost everyone on the subway touches the same handrail and there is no way to stand 6' from anyone. Can you imagine the amount of virus from normal breathing on a closed 10' wide tube?


1. Close the Subway to non-essentials (healthcare / police / fire / etc)
2. Cut train service to 10% where you can sterilize everything.

Read these...
SARS Outbreak Can we contain the COVID-19 outbreak with the same measures as for SARS?
MTA Deaths MTA Confirms Six More Worker Deaths from Coronavirus