- Cardiac Peak - #1 App to Fight Heart Disease -
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Coronavirus & Heart Disease

Most of us have heard the warnings regarding COVID-19 high-risk groups as older adults and people with a pre-existing respiratory illness. While this is true and according to the CDC, those with Heart Disease or Hypertension also fit in this high-risk group. While having Heart Disease or Hypertension should not make you more likely to catch coronavirus, these conditions can increase the likelihood of complications or even death if you do catch this deadly virus.

Cardiac Peak is a Fitness App to fight Cardiovascular Disease. Exercise is your best medicine. Since those suffering from Heart Disease are some of the most affected:
Cardiac Peak is offering FREE memberships until COVID-19 is contained.
Stay Safe, Keep Healthy & Live Longer! ~~Free membership details here~~

Some staggering numbers for Heart Disease patients to know:

According to Harvard Health, "about 10% of patients with pre-existing cardiovascular disease (CVD) who contract COVID-19 will die, compared with only 1% of patients who are otherwise healthy." (source)
Heart Disease shows highest category of deaths - 10.5%! (source)
In Wuhan, 59% who died had a cardiac injury vs only 1% of survivors. (source)
In Italy, 76.1% of patients who died from COVID-19 had hypertension or high blood pressure. (source)
40% of patients hospitalized with a confirmed diagnosis of the coronavirus have cardiovascular or cerebrovascular disease. (source)
According to the American College of Cardiology, case fatality rates are much higher for patients with cardiovascular disease at 10.5% vs 2.3%. )

Heart-related complications

COVID-19 produces both pneumonia and inflammation. Severe inflammation caused by COVID-19 damages the lining of your already deteriorated blood vessels, while pneumonia places further stress on your lungs to oxygenate your blood. The combination of these with pre-existing heart disease is a major cause leading to complications or even death.

With global numbers of both contracting the virus and deaths increasing so rapidly as well as extreme chaos in the hard hit areas, we understand the above numbers could be less than accurate. However they are meant for a precaution to anyone with Heart Disease to take greater caution in adhering to the CDC guidelines.

If you think you may have Covid-19, use this online tool for self assessment.

Cardiac Peak is offering FREE membership to our Health App to fight Cardiovascular Disease until we beat coronavirus and the United States gets back to work.
Click here
for FREE 1-year membership.