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COVID-19 (compare to other pandemics)

As the death toll rises in the US, how does COVID-19 compare to other pandemics? As of this writing, US deaths for COVID-19 just surpassed Swine Flu of 2009. SARS, a similar type recent virus, was contained to less than 800 deaths worldwide. NYC had more deaths in a single day than total deaths for SARS globally. Why such a difference?

We are posting 2 great articles here:
  • 1. Pandemics by the numbers
  • 2. Hows SARS, slightly more infectious, was contained to under 800 deaths worldwide
COVID-19 (compare to other pandemics):

Heart Disease & COVID-19

Cardiac Peak is a Fitness App focused on the Prevention & Treatment of Cardiovascular Disease. As previously reported, COVID-19 patients suffering from Heart Disease are at much greater risk of death. Prevention & Treatment of Cardiovascular Disease is important to lessen complications from COVID-19 as well as improve your overall health. Start your Cardiologist designed fitness program today!

Cardiac Peak is offering FREE memberships until COVID-19 is contained. Get Free Memebership
Stay Safe, Keep Healthy & Live Longer!

COVID-19 Comparison

Throughout our history we have had a great many deadly virus outbreaks. Does our more integrated society with a higher level of global travel make us more susceptible to spread? Does our advanced biotechnological knowledge make us more armed to eradicate?

We in no way are suggesting COVID-19 is not serious - it is still early and tragically the numbers are rising. We show this graphic to demonstrate what may result from this pandemic if we don't take the right steps to stop the spread. But we also believe we need to learn from SARS and how we are handling COVID-19 to find a less blanketed approach for the next pandemic. And if you don't think there will be a next pandemic, just look at the chart - 6 of the 20 pandemics all have occured in the last 20 years!

Is COVID-19 as deadly as pandemics of the past? Maybe, but another virus will occur again and with a higher fatality rate? Fatality rate with Ebola was 50% (vs ~1%) - what happens then? A public health epidemic from shutting down the world economy is also going to occur - how have we factored in the deaths that will result from this? Is shutting down the world economy the new normal or can we find a more precise solution?

SARS was Eradicated

Importly, SARS was not contagious until patients were symptomatic, however SARS was more infectious (had a higher Ro) than COVID-19. So how was it eradicated? We understand you can't compare exactly, but can we learn?

If SARS was eradicated with < 800 worldwide deaths. Is there something to learn from this?

Read this to get more insights. A comparison of all global pandemics.
Read this on the SARS outbreak and containment.

Heart Disease & COVID-19

Cardiac Peak is a Fitness App focused on the Prevention & Treatment of Cardiovascular Disease. As previously reported, COVID-19 patients suffering from Heart Disease are at much greater risk of death. Prevention & Treatment of Cardiovascular Disease is important to lessen complications from COVID-19 as well as improve your overall health. Start your Cardiologist designed fitness program today!

Cardiac Peak is offering FREE memberships until COVID-19 is contained. Get Free Memebership
Stay Safe, Keep Healthy & Live Longer!